

作者: Sharon 发表时间: 2017年 11月 12日 阅读 1112 次数


I J-1 Visa documents

AYP:Academic Year Program

J1 Visa:Exchange visitor visa



接收函:Acceptance letter and DS-2019 form

成绩单:Student’s academic record/transcript

学生证:Student ID/Student Card

存款证明:Certificate of deposit/Bank certificate/Bank deposit

房产证:Property ownership certificate

户口本:Hukou / Residence booklet

父母收入证明:parents’s income proof

I-901 收据:I-901 Invoice

DS-160确认页:DS-160 conformation page

签证面试确认页:Visa interview conformation page

 II Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Whatwill you do in the USA?

-I will be a J-1 student to study in a public high school for one year.


2.Where is the public high school ?

In Indiana .

3.which school ?

Richmond high school in the Richmond community .in Indiana.

  1. How long will you study in the school ?

One academic year.

5.How do you know the program/school?

I knew the program by my teacher of my high school in Beijing.

6.How many people took the program in your high school in Beijing?

I am the only one this year. One of my classmate took the program and told me the program is very well.

7.please tell me the main reason of you choose the program?

1).My purpose is to participate in the J-1 student exchange program. This is a valuable experience of culture exchange.


2).There are too many Chinese student as international student in private high school.

-I want to study in a public high school.

8.which high school are you studying now?

I am studying in Beijing institute of technology school campus. I am a 10th grade student.


9.Will you get a diploma in the US?/what plan when you finish the program?

Yes, I will get my diploma in the US. /I will study in the high school continue next year as a F-1 student and finish my high school all courses and get my high school diploma.

10.What do your parents do? / What’s your father/mother’s job?

-My mother is a XXX ; she works in XXX.

My father is a XXX; he works in XXX

11.Have you every been refused ? Did you refuse by U.S.?

Yes ./Yes,I did.

12.Do you know the reason?

I think. I refused a U.S. entry visa because i did not answer the question well and did not explain clearly my purpose of coming to the U.S.





  1. Areyou going to study and live in the USA?

-Yes, I will. I’d like to study and live in the US and experience American culture.


  1. Why do you choose America? / What is your purpose to the USA?/ What do you like to accomplish during your scholasticyear in the US?

-Because America is a multi-cultural country; I will experience the unique culture which is quite different from Chinese.


  1. Why do you attend this AYP/high school exchange program in US?/ What is your purpose to the USA?/ What do you like to accomplish during your scholastic year in the US?

-I want to study in a public high school.My purpose is to participate in the J-1 student exchange program. This is a valuable experience of culture exchange.


  1. How do you know about this program?

-I know this program from my school ro advertisement.

  1. 6. Whereare you studying now? / Which high school are you in? /What grade are you in?

-I’m studying at XXXXX School. I am a senior 2 student.


  1. 7. Whatkind of your current school? -----Public school or Private school?

-My high school is a XX school.


  1. 8. Whatsubject do you like best? What subject do you like worst?

-I like xxxx best and like xxxx worst.


  1. 8. How long will you study and live in the USA?

-Almost 11 months. The program lasts from end of the July to June next year.


  1. 9. What is your academic background/experience?

-I completed junior high school study from XXX School, and I’m a senior 2 student in XXX high school.


  1. 10. What will you do after you finish high school? / What is your plan?/ What is your plan after you come back to China? / Will you continue your study in the US after you complete the program?

-I will come back to China after completing the program change F-1 visa, I will come to U.S finish my study in a high school and get my high school diploma.


  1. 11.What is the biggest difficulty/challenge you will have in US?

-As far as myself is concerned, the biggest difficulty/challenge will be my English. And I’ll make great effort to overcome the difficulty/meet the challenge.


  1. 12.What’s the difference between Chinese culture and American culture?

-In my opinion, American people are very open, direct and individualistic, while Chinese people are traditional, indirect and collectivistic.

  1. 13. Where will you live in US? Where will you study in US?

-Right now my host family haven’t been placed so I don’t know about that, and the US organization is working very hard at finding that for me.

-I’ll study at xxxx High School .


  • do you know which organization services you?

Flag :Foreign Links Around the Globe


  1. 15. Howdid you find this high school? Tell me something about your high school.

-My sponsor finds this high school for my…….

  1. 16. Where is your Hukou?/ where is your birth?

-My Hukou is in XXX,

  1. 17. What kind of visa are you applying for?

-I apply for a J1 visa; it’s a kind of visa for exchange student and visitor


  1. 18. Will you get a diploma in the US?

Yes, I will get my diploma in the US.

  1. 19. Doyouhave any relative in the United States?

- No, I have no relatives in the US.

  1. 20. Doyou have any speciality/ special skills?

-Yes, I am good at playing basketball or XXX and XXX


  1. 21. Whatis your hobby/interest?

-I have some hobbies such as playing basketball.


  1. 22. Who will support you in the US?

-My parents will support my study in the US.


  1. 23. What does your father/mother do? / Whatdo your parents do? / What’s your father/mother’s job?

-My mother is a XXX ; she works in XXX.

My father is a XXX; he works in XXX


  1. 24. Whatis his/her salary? / How much do they earn a year?

-My mother earns XXX thousand yuan per year.

-My father earns XXX thousand yuan per year.  


  1. 25. Tell me how you will get along with your host family.

-I will often help them with housework and abide by all the regulations of the host family.  

  1. 26. What is the thing you like best in America?

-I like playing basketball so I like NBA (National Basketball Association) very much.


  1. 27.What is the thing you don’t like most in America? ...

-I’m not sure.

  1. 28. What is your dream/ideal?

-I want to be a XXX.


  1. 29. Haveyou ever been to US or other country?

-No, I haven’t been any other countries. Or I have been to XXXXXX and XXX


  1. 30. Whenwere you born?

- I was born on MM/DD/YYYY


  1. 31. Howmany children in your family? / Do you have sister or brother in your family? How old are they?  

- I am the only child in my family.or I have XXX


  1. 32. Howmany classmates of yours will take part in this program?

-I have one classmates will take part in this program.


III 注意事项


  1. 问什么说什么,不要答非所问,不要背事先准备好的"演讲词"!回答简单明了,切忌太多细节上的解释,签证官没有那么多时间听无关紧要的事。


  1. 说实话。(不要背诵已准备好的材料,根据自己的实际情况表述)
  2. 学生要清楚美国的学校或者机构,要非常清楚自己到美国求学的目的。
  3. 4.明确的学习计划
  4. 面试时一定要注意自己的仪表,气质和态度,穿着要得体,学生应在着装上充分显示自己的身份.男士要显得精干,不要打扮得油光水滑;女生尽量淑女一些,不要太前卫,化妆不可过于耀眼..在等候的时候,应不卑不亢,安静等候,显出你的气质.
  5. 6.第一眼见到签证官员的时候,一定要Don’t forget the greeting words,要面带微笑,表现信心.当然,信心是建立在你对各种签证问题的精心准备基础上的,但现场表情也非常重要,笑一笑能拉近人与人的距离,会让人感到放松,会感染签证官的情绪。
  6. 7.说话时声音要清晰,语速要慢.声音清晰意味着说话有底气,分量足,显示出你的自信.语速要慢,对英语口语不太好的人来说,可以让签证官听清楚你的表达的意思,还能让自己有时间来思考签证官的问题.如果遇到容易回答的问题,语速太快回答,会让签证官认为你的英语很好,也会因此加快语速,这样你可能会听不懂。请牢记讲的慢不代表英语差。
  7. 8.心态一定要坦然.无论前边有几个人签过签不过都与你没有关系,你要做到的就是保持正常的心态去迎接面试.
  8. 9.不要有侥幸心理.有时候签证官因为主观因素,由他面谈的申请者通过的多,称之为 “放水”.但一心想着靠签证官放水是不行的,因为放水的窗口和实践是永远无法预料的.只有精心进行签证准备,按照最严格的模式来进行模拟面试训练.
  9. 切忌过度紧张。稍稍紧张能够使人注意力集中,处于积极应对状态。但不要过度紧张。
  10. 即使拒签也要保持风度。有的申请者被拒签后吵闹,这样做其实不仅无济于事,还会影响形象。可以冷静地询问签证官拒签的原因是什么,如果是材料不够齐全的原因,那么可以下次补齐材料。如果签证官明确表示拒签,最好是不要与签证官争辩。